Grind Size - Why Does it Matter?

Grind Size - Why Does it Matter?

By David Patteson

The size of the particles of coffee that are used when brewing or extracting, play a massive part in the end flavour, body, acidity and sweetness. A coffee grind that is too coarse will be result in coffee that is weak, watery, sour and / or salty. However, go too fine and the coffee will taste burnt, ashy and smokey.

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Barista Tip #1 - Invest in a tamp mat

Barista Tip #1 - Invest in a tamp mat

By Ali Slotemaker

Being a good barista is all about good technique & attention to detail.  Investing in a good quality corner tamp mat is going to make the world of difference to your technique and give that extra attention to detail. 

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Welcome to our new look website

By Ali Slotemaker

We have recently updated our website to make it easier for you to order beans on the go.  Our site is...

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